Where have I been?

Whoa, finally things are apparently calming down. I thought for sure yesterday would be nice and mellow, instead I spent nearly the entire day on the telephone doing about 10 things at once. Not how I planned it but it did make the day pass relatively swiftly.

I am beginning to feel the need for a campaign to eliminate all possibility for a right turn on red. Some numbskull old lady sat behind me today at a red light and BEEPED at me repeatedly – I suppose in order to get me to make the turn. Well, sorry lady but F YOU! First of all, I generally dislike turning right on red under any circumstances. I’ve been known to do it if A) I’m in a hurry or B) there’s no other cars around within sight. I’m damn sure not going to try to squeak in a right turn against cars turning left. What if they cut their turn too tight? Hell, I know if I was one of the cars turning left I’d be pissed at some dude turning right into me. People need to calm the hell down. You’ll get there eventually and waiting through a 30 second red light is not even in the same league as driving 15 or more miles through a virtually non-existent snowfall at 10 MPH. Sorry. It just ain’t.

So, I think I need to start carrying around a tire-iron so when some prick behind me starts beeping at me for a perfectly legitimate application of traffic law I can just leap out of the car and smash in their window. Good for me, good for the insurance industry. What’s the downside?

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