Girl with a Pearl Earring

Who would have imagined you could take an admittedly beautiful and haunting 17th century painting and turn it into a 90+ minute film?

I wouldn’t have thunk it and yet it’s been done. I suppose the folks in the “Ahi Tuna Envelope” think this is a very profound film. It’s always been my belief that people who think they’re deep always declare things profound and moving when they don’t have any more idea what’s going on than the rest of us. It’s an interesting film although one that just doesn’t seem to have a point. Oddly you’d think that folks in 17th century Delft never said more than half a dozen words a day unless they’re fat housemaids or randy old rich men.

In the film’s defense I will give major props to the cinematographer for a spectacularly shot film. I don’t know if the theatre showed the movie slightly out of focus or if it were intentional but there were times in some of the wider and some of the closer, more pensive shots where I swear you could see the brushstrokes on the screen. A very cool effect.

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