I was just about to give up for the night but it looks like, just shy of six AM in Baghdad, the war has begun.

Dunno, they claim air raid sirens have started and some bombing has ocurred but looking at live feed from Baghdad I don’t see anything like the bright lights of 1991 and there are still cars driving on the roads.

Must be that they’re just prepping the target areas. Dawn isn’t a terrible time to start a war but why the heck would you allow the enemy the advantage of daylight?

Looks like it might be a daylight war. More prayers and a short wait for the President. I’d say the war hadn’t actually begun but if we’ve hit Baghdad, then things are definitely progressing.

You know, I keep remembering Edith Roosevelt’s line from “Rough Riders”. “This is your war. You’ve done your best to start it.” Strange. But F ’em anyway.

Saints preserve us.

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