
I don’t mean to brag. Ah hell, sure I do. I am writing this while sitting on a roof deck on the 6th floor of a hotel on the southside of Austin overlooking Lady Bird Lake and I-35 in 70-plus degree weather with an agreeable amount of humidity and a very pleasant breeze.

Pretty swanky digs.

So, Watchmen. Very pretty. Very pretty indeed. A good movie that dragged in parts and bore very little relation to the comic it was based on. I have two big gripes.

One, I don’t remember all the stuff with Nixon in the comic. It might just be the length of time since I’ve read it but as I recall all of that pretty much happened behind the scenes. I don’t remember the urgency of it all.

And two, I have no friggin’ idea what the ending was all about. This is my failing as I never understood the ending of the comic. Of course, I am Rorschach, or at least I look at the world in pretty much the same way. A threat of annihilation from another universe or an all-powerful glowing blue man might convince the world to put aside their differences for a little while but very soon human nature would begin to reassert itself. People are basically scum – deeply flawed and potentially evil creatures only held in check by fear and love. Fear of reprisal keeps most of us following society’s laws and love of family and friends makes us work and mow the lawn and all the other crap we do to try to make our lives a little more pleasant.

Permanent peace and love – particularly arising out of a shared threat – is crap. Peace and love always collapse under the weight of human nature.

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