The Stepford Wives

Yeah, well, I saw this flick last week but didn’t take the time to write about it until now. So sue me. It wasn’t actually on the list of must sees – very little is on that list actually since I’ve basically skipped Scooby Doo 2, Garfield, The Day After Tomorrow, The Chronicles of Riddick, &c. But when you find yourself done with work at 4 since you came in early it just seems right to go to the 4:30 show. How often do you get to go to a movie at 4:30 on a Thursday anyway?

So I went.

I liked the flick: funny in the right places, snarky, oddly endearing all that other critical jazz. The movie just rolled along – until the ending. It’s not that it was a bad ending, it’s just that the ending made the important bits of what came before completely inconsistent and logically impossible. I’m not going to say anything, I wouldn’t want to spoil it for anybody who wants to see it but hasn’t yet but, come on! How is what happened even possible?

I did hear that they were forced to reshoot the ending after test screenings panned it. If this ending is what made the screener audiences happy then my declamations about the knee-trembling idiocy of the American public are spot on.

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