
It’s only 10 AM and it’s already been a day. A perfect end to this perfect year.

That would be sarcasm.

Woke up this morning with the alarm as usual. As I hit snooze and turned on the radio I thought, “Wouldn’t it be funny if this deactivated the alarm and I overslept.”

An hour later, it wasn’t so funny.

Got my shit together and scrambled out the door into a snowy wildland. Don’t know where my hat is. Know where my gloves and broom/scraper thing are but they’re buried under three feet of someone else’s Christmas gifts in my fully-packed trunk.

Fine. Head out with no fuel onto New Jersey roads that won’t be fully cleared of snow until sometime in July. Marvel at the pristine state of ALL the private lanes, driveways and parking lots along the snowchoked municipal roads. Deal with drivers doing 15 in a 50 with their hazard lights on.

And all the while think, this is the perfect end to this year.

I’ve spoken before about the themes each year seems to adopt. Typically the theme reveals itself earlier. This year waited until the very last minute to coalesce. But it’s so perfect, it was worth the wait:

It’s Murphy’s First Law — “Anything that can go wrong, will.”

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