Children of Men

It seems odd to call a depressing, post-apocalyptic movie pretty. But man, was it ever.

There’s a lot of stuff in this flick and not all of it is the typical, knee-jerk, Hollywood crap. The fact that the British military was generally dressed in American equipment and that the immigrants were all Muslim and badly treated and that the terrorists and the hippy were noble – that’s Hollywood crap.

But I dug the concept and what blew me away was my own reaction to the film’s premise. What would I feel like if the world was going to end, not with a bang, but a whimper? I think that’s brilliant. An excellent idea. Given the current state of the human race I fail to see any benefit to its continued existence. And given my generally sociopathic disposition I’d take a perverse glee in the idea that the human race wouldn’t outlive me. In a self-centered universe, when the sun goes out the planets die too.

But I still found myself cheering for the survival of the kid and realized that as bad as it gets, there’s always the hope that it will get better. Even if we all know good and well that it won’t.

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